Wednesday, December 29, 2021


MS-DOS:Internal & External DOS Commands


Command is an instruction written in a computer acceptable language that user types on the dos prompt. It will execute and do the appropriate action. There are mainly two types of dos command.


1.    Internal commands: The internal commands are those commands that are automatically loaded in the memory. Some commonly used DOS internal commands are


1 Cls

2.  Dir

3.  Date

4.  Time

5.  Ver

6.  Copycon

7.  Type

8.  Ren

9.  Del

10.  MD

11.  CD

12.  RD

13.  Copy


2. External commands: - These commands are not permanent part of the memory. To execute or run this commands an external file is required.


Example : [.] Dot exe, bat.

Some commonly used DOS external commands are .


1.   CHKDSK:- The command CHSDK returns the configuration status of the selected disk. It returns the information about the volume, serial number, total disk space, space in directories, space in each allocation unit, total memory and free memory.


Syntax : - C : / > CHKDSK drive name

Eg:- C : / > CHKDSK e :

If drive name is not mentioned by default current drive is considered.


2.    Diskcopy : - Disk copy command is used to make duplicate copy of the disk like Xerox copy. It first formats the target disk and then copies the files by collection. From the source disk and copied to the target disk.


Syntax : - C : / > disk copy < source path > < destination path >

Ex: - c : / > diskcopy A : B :


NOTE: - This command is used after diskcopy command to ensure that disk is copied successfully.


3.    Format : - Format is used to erase information off of a computer diskette or fixed drive.


Syntax : - C : / > format drive name

Ex : C : / > format A:


4.   Label : This command is used to see volume label and to change volume label.


Syntax : C : / > label drive name

Ex : C : / > label A:


5. Scandisk : - This utility is used to repair and check various disk errors. It also defects various physical disk errors and surface errors.

Syntax : - C : / > scandisk < drive names > C : / > Scandisk A :


6.   Move : The purpose of move is move to files from one place to another place.


Syntax: C : / > Move < source path > < target path >


7.   Print :This command allowed users to print a text file to a line printer.

Syntax : C : / > Print < files name > C : / > print ramu


8.    Tree : This command displays the list of directories and files on specified path using graphical display. It displays directories of files like a tree.


Syntax:- C : / > tree > path C : / > tree A:


9.    Deltree: This command is used to delete files a directories same as by the del and RD commands. This command is more useful than del and RD commands because it completely removes specified directories ie., disk will all it files and sub directories at a time.

Syntax:- C : / > deltree (path) C : / > deltree A:/>ramu





























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